We look at each person as a whole system and address the root of the problem rather than just focus on each symptom. As we are all unique, every treatment is also unique and specifically tailored to meet your individual needs. 

Our Philosophy

We specialise in
 Traditional Chinese Medicine
 & Acupuncture





Learn more about our Services


“Heidi has made a bona fide believer out of me. If you are thinking about trying out acupuncture for the first time I would totally recommend talking to Heidi, she is the real deal!”
- Dion


"Heidi tailored the treatment to my specific needs, asked the right questions to get to the bottom of the issue. Did an incredible job of alleviating my back pain and fixing the problem".
- Amy


"I am a complete needle-phobe and was a bit skeptical of acupuncture... however, Heidi has totally changed my stance on that."
- Dave


"She is amazing at really working with my body from muscle strains to hormone balancing. I am currently in my second trimester of pregnancy & am so glad I have her on hand to help me work through niggles as my body changes."
- Louise


"I have always had bad headaches and stiffness/soreness in my lower back. I felt instant relief which is incredible."
- Ellen
